Sunday, June 22, 2008

Well done Primaries 6/7 and 7!

Well done to everyone who took the time to contribute to the blog. We have now completed our work for this session, and you will continue working on the novel when you move up to S1 in August. As I still expect you all to have a look at the New Farm Website every now and then(!), I will keep the blog active, so feel free to send me your comments as you progress with the book and I will publish them. Good bye and good luck primary 7s!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What next?

Congratulations on your super blog comments! This week's challenge is to follow up on your class work and share some ideas. You should now have read pg 47- 60 "Ten to Midnight" where Charlie has stolen the Colonel's dog, Bertha, and hidden her in the old shack at Ford's Cleave Wood.

How do you see the book progressing from here? What will happen in the lives of Tommo and Charlie? What jobs might they do? What will happen to to the family? Write a short summary of what you think might happen in the book. This will help you share ideas to complete your last task in the class.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Points of View

We all know and love Tommo, Charlie, Joe and Molly, but what about our villians, Grandma Wolf, Mr Munnings and the Colonel? Imagine you are one of these characters and write a short blog in the first person on their views on the Peacefuls. Come on, let's see who can make blogger of the week! Have fun! Check out these blogs for some ideas, just click on the links!


As we know, Tommo and his family live in the countryside. Using as much evidence from the text as you can, give a convincing description of the daily walk from home to school. Good luck!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Favourite Character

You should now have read two chapters. Describe your favouite character, remembering to make the description as vivid as possible. The best deascription with be named "Blogger of the Week"!